Friday, April 22, 2022

Day 328 Ephesians 5:1–6:24

[A]nd having done everything, stand firm.

Life throws us all sorts of curve balls. In the past 6 years, I’ve contended with a stalker, loss of job and ministry, moving across country, and my child being diagnosed with an insidious brain disorder. When the stalker was circling, connecting with friends of mine and slandering me and my friends, I called a colleague and dear friend for some support and words of wisdom.

At first, she said that I should make sure I had checked all my online security – what was visible to anyone, what personal information I’d shared. I assured my friend that I’d done that already, and that I am really good at the logistics and operational stuff. What other advice did she have? Well, she assured me that I would be ok, and that things would turn out fine. I reminded her my stalker was mentally ill and unstable, so no, we could not assume I’d be ok. We can hope, but certainly not know. What other advice did she have? She asked for time to think and return.

A few hours later, she returned with this snippet that precedes the “Armor of God” that is Paul’s closing in Ephesians. Paraphrased, she said, “Having done all, just stand.” That’s it! That’s what I needed to hear.

Frequently, we’re stuck doing a lot of preparing or worrying, or caring, or organizing. And at some point, all of our mortal efforts should be counted as complete; we’ve done our all. At that point, we are asked to just stand firm.

Make no mistake, this is not a passive or defeatist position. There is strength in standing. It’s also hard to just stand. Think of standing in a river, as the current rushes past. There’s nothing passive in standing still with those torrents pass. Likewise, there is nothing passive in standing still when life’s torrents rush past.

I’ve returned to that phrase repeatedly during these past years. There comes a point when I can do no more, plan no more, control no more. At that point, having done all, stand firm. For many years, it was even written on the inside cover of my work planner. Just Stand.

This morning, I’m thinking about the incredible strength it takes to stop running upstream and instead stand firm. I’m grateful that I’m never standing alone.

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