Monday, February 28, 2022

Day 302 Acts 13:1–15:21

While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.

The Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me…”. I love these passages that relate to God’s calling us and the Spirit leading us. I absolutely believe God calls each of us to something specific, or more accurately many specific things. We just need to be paying attention.

The accompanying reflection for this section of Scripture is from Henri Nouwen, a Dutch priest and educator. He talks about how we all experience boredom, that sense that we’re not doing anything important. He suggests that faith is something that can help at those times. Faith can pull together various things in our life, and provide meaning, bringing the thousands of disparate parts together. He likens it to the people in a stadium who are holding big cards. Individually, their card doesn’t make sense. But when cued, the whole group stands up, flips over their card, and something bigger is made by all the individual parts.

He suggests that a mature faith can do the same, helping to bring together all of the parts together to provide meaning, where the individual parts didn’t. As he writes, “This new perspective is what we can call faith. It does not create new things but it adds a new dimension to the basic realities of life.”

It is in faith that we determine meaning and purpose and God’s calling. That faith is what Paul had, to allow himself to be sent hither and yon. Perhaps he didn’t understand the individual parts, but he had faith that they did have meaning.

In my tradition, Wednesday begins the season of Lent, a time before Easter where we are asked to make space to deepen that faith relationship. Some people make space by living more intentionally, praying more, exercising more. Others make space by removing things from life that are distractions – unnecessary eating or drinking. If done correctly, what people do doing Lent are done to help focus on God. Fasting on a particular day or fasting from particular foods is one common way. When the hunger pangs come, or you pass by the sweet shop, it’s one way to use the body’s natural cues to remember God.

Probably 20 years ago, I spoke with a spiritual leader about Lent. I asked what I should do, or give up. His suggestion was precisely what I needed and exactly what would be most difficult for me. He suggested that I should just sit in silence with God for 20 minutes a day. What?? I honestly told him it would be easier for me to give up air. I tried to follow his counsel with spotty results.

This morning, I’m thinking about this upcoming Lent. I am not sure what I will do to try to create and hold space, or to deepen that relationship with God. It is from that faith-driven connection that I will continue to hear God’s call, just like Paul.

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