This could be a frightening passage. This comes in Psalm full of loneliness and fear. ‘I look to my right hand and find no one who knows me. ‘ I have no where to flee.’ ‘Save me from those pursue me’ ‘Bring me out of the prison.’ In the midst of all of this trouble, the writer admits that his spirit languishes. Of course it does! We all have had those days where my spirit languishes.
And in the midst of all this languishing, and trouble, God knows my path. Sometimes that feels not so helpful; in the midst of all of these trials, God knows. While I believe this is true, sometimes it’s hard to care about God knowing. After all, I need an action-God, not a watching-God. Or at least sometimes it feels like that.
But if I stop and think about it, ultimately, it is fantastic that God knows my path, even in the turmoil. Last night I went to a much-needed ladies night out and went to a concert. As we were leaving with the massive herds, I was a little frightened of getting separated; there is no way I could have found our car. There were others in the parking area who definitely had lost their car, and possibly their friends, wandering around alone. That is precisely what I was fearing, as I clutched the coat sleeve of my friend.
Even if my friend and I couldn’t find the car, there was something deeply comforting in knowing I wasn’t alone. That’s the point, right? Of God knowing my path? Regardless of what path I take, how lost I get, what prisons I feel I’m in, God knows and is right there. I am not alone. Ever.
Add this to the fact that God is merciful, and that’s a good all-knowing companion to have. Regardless of my day or trials, God knows my path. I am in God’s sight. Always.

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