Never avenge yourselves. It’s interesting. I’m pretty good at being non-judgmental. But avenge? I’m also pretty good at that, and I don’t think I’m supposed to be.
It’s not that I hold a grudge. Rather, if I’m doing something, and I know it’s right, but I’m charged with causing or allowing some problem, I have a deep desire to clear my name. I want others t know that I was right. I don’t come out and say, “I told you so”, but that’s probably my deep seated motivation. Or I want credit for having been right.
In the grand scheme of things, however, who cares if I’m right? And to be clear, my form of avenging isn’t the more obvious form of exacting retribution. My avenging is more insidious and invisible. I need to make sure they know I was right, which concurrently shows them they were wrong.
As it turns out, God can keep a much better scorecard than I ever could. I should leave the scorekeeping to God.

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