Sunday, March 31, 2019

Mar 31 2019 Mark 8: 11-21

Mar 31 2019

Mark 8: 11-21

And he sighed deeply in his spirit. 

So Jesus and the disciples have just fed the 5000, with five loaves of bread. The Pharisees are arguing with Jesus, asking for a sign. In response, Jesus “sighed deeply in his spirit” and asked a rhetorical question about the argument. 

Boy, do I understand that sentiment, sighing deeply in his spirit. I understand it because it is not my go-to response when provoked. I’ve said before that there is no argument that’s not worth having. But with lots of examples and some reflection, I’m coming to realize that’s not true, especially if I’m arguing with loved ones.

After effectively ending the argument with his question, he once again gets into his boat and goes to the other side. One interesting thing about this is that going to the other side was a very radical, inclusive move. The other side was inhabited by the ‘other’ as far as the good religious folk thought. Jesus leaves the center of the religious leaders and goes to other side of the tracks with his disciples. It’s in his going there, and bring his disciples with him, that is radically inclusive.

Today, I want to let the peaceful spirit within me, guide my response towards that deep internal sigh, instead of an outward verbal response. I want to sense that spirit, and let it sigh.

Then I want to get in my boat and go to the other side.

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