Saturday, December 14, 2019

Dec 14 2019 Mark 4:35-41

Why are you so fearful?

Jesus suggests to his followers that they should cross to the other side of the lake. This is code-word for going to the rougher side of town, as the other side contained the ‘other’. As they were crossing, a big windstorm came up, and meanwhile Jesus is asleep in the front of the boat. His fellow travelers were afraid, and woke him up, exclaiming, “Jesus, do something! Don’t you care that we might perish in this boat?” Jesus woke up, and with his word, calmed to seas. Then he turned to his disciples and asked them why they were afraid?

The reflection from the pre-mission trip focuses on the storm, and about how the evil one might throw up deterrents to the trip, because the evil one does not want God’s will to be done. I suppose that as someone who believes in God, and good forces in the world, I should not chaff at the idea of the evil one and bad forces. But I do chaff. Even if there is an evil spirit, or a devil, or bad forces, I rarely focus on them. In my mind, focusing on or worrying about the devil’s work is like the disciples who awaken Jesus in the storm. Jesus’ response to their panic is to question their faith.

To me, this section of Scripture, and in fact most of Jesus’ teachings is about the opposite, about not worrying about the evil one, but rather focusing and having faith in God. Yes, there are storms. And I don’t know if they are the work of the devil, or meteorological occurrences.

In my own world, I have sick loved one. I don’t know if that’s the work of the devil or unknown brain illness. I don’t think calling it the devil’s work, and invoking Jesus’ name is going to immediately fix it. I don’t think Satan hunted me down to give me a particularly challenging spiritual warfare. I’m not even sure Satan is that concerned with my household to do that, any more than the fact that Satan is concerned that I’m going to Guatemala.

Rather, I think this Scripture is all about the fact that stuff happens. Sometimes bad stuff happens. Storms happen, illnesses happen, flat tires, and traveler’s malaise. And when it happens, I need to keep my eyes focused on Jesus, and my faith in Jesus. Jesus will calm the seas. Even if the seas remain choppy, Jesus can absolutely calm the waters within me. I am less interested in seeing this as an external battle between Good and evil forces.

This morning, I’m thinking about keeping my eye on the ship’s pilot, not the storm itself. I’ve no idea whether there’s an evil force behind the storms in my life, and I am going to spend zero time on thinking about that. This reflection made me recall a wonderful song. Enjoy this recording. 

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