Thursday, September 23, 2021

Sep 23 2021 Day 187 Isaiah 24:1–27:13

Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—in peace because they trust in you.

Peace, according to first definition in Oxford, is the freedom from disturbance or tranquility. Some might argue that it’s the conditions outside ourselves that bring peace. A peaceful street, a peaceful evening, a peaceful nation. And while that certainly makes peace easier to find, I think it’s primarily found within. We are peaceful because we choose to be peaceful.

And taking that one step further, we can make that choice and be successful in that choice because we doggedly trust in a god that loves and that is always merciful. If I didn’t trust in a loving God, it doesn’t matter how bucolic the setting, I might not be able to find peace.

In my head, there is always a legion of thoughts and worries, mostly about the future. For some, their head is equally full of regrets and sorrow from the past. In either case, our heads are full of things that we cannot do anything about right now. And it doesn’t matter what setting I’m in, my head always comes with me, full of its unhelpful and worrisome thoughts. Even if I was in the most beautiful setting, with not a care in the world, I suspect I could find something to fret about. To be clear, I’m not talking about overwhelming anxiety. Rather, it’s the monkey-brain that I carry around with me all the time. When I get wrapped up in what the brain is thinking or worrying about, or the next shiny thing, I am not tranquil. I am not at peace.

Regardless of where I am or what I’m doing, my head, my heart, or my gut can cause turmoil. All within the confines of my corporal body. If that is true, than regardless of where I am or what I’m doing, my head, my heart or my gut can find peace. All within the confines of my corporal body.

I believe it’s my faith in God – God who is both everywhere and in my corporal body – that allows me to carry out that notion of peace or tranquility. Without a loving God, no amount of will would let me find peace in the midst of whatever storm is in my head or in my world. But with God, I can hunker down, and know I am safe from the external storm, and do not need to engage with the internal storm.

God brings peace because God is peace. It’s like Peter. When he got out of the boat, he had faith and was at peace. When he lost his steadfast faith, he was in turmoil and wet. This morning, I’m thinking about how to keep my eyes set on God, so I can actually remain tranquil, despite what’s going on inside and around me.

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