Sunday, October 24, 2021

Oct 24 2021 Day 211 Ezekiel 1-5

Thus says the Lord GOD: This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the center of the nations, with countries all around her.

I think I will need some additional support or resources to make it through Ezekiel, if the first few chapters are any indication. Wheels of fire, four-headed beasts, being tied down on one side for a year, being forced to eat a scroll. Where Ezekiel relays the prophecies, things are a little strange. What God does to Ezekiel are strange.

Some weeks ago, we read about pots talking, and I noted that I struggled with that notion. I’m so literal that I struggle with imagery and poetic language. I’m not sure I see things the same way as others, although I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m on the spectrum, as it has been suggested by loving, but confused friends. Just really concrete.

So, if anyone reading has suggestions about supplemental information about Ezekiel that might help this left-brained writer make her way through the book, let me know..

Meanwhile, I’m determined to make my way through the book, and I’m thankful for the other commentaries that are provided, as they’ll provide me something else to grasp.

This morning’s commentary focuses on the opening phrase of this passage, Thus says the Lord”. Ezekiel does all sorts of wacky things, and prophecies wackier things, because Thus says the Lord. The question for us is have we experienced that sense of God speaking to us? Do we act as if we’re doing God’s will? Do we feel like we’re being asked to eat a scroll, and if so, do we comply?

I don’t frequently have a clear sense of God speaking to me. Rather, I have a frequent sense that I’m in the zone; I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing. It’s like my life rings true. And then sometimes, it doesn’t. When things don’t feel right, that’s when I need to stop and listen. Again, it’s not like God speaks directly to me, but eventually things right themselves. Or at least that’s what I hope.

The challenge becomes when things feel like they’re not in the zone, and I cannot do anything to fix it. Nothing I do changes the unhappy circumstances in which I find myself. At times like that, I get increasingly worked up, trying to change things to no avail. Eventually, I come to the realization that I’m meant to be there, despite my wishes to the contrary. At one time in my life it was a job situation I didn’t love, and at several times in my life, it’s been woes about my kids.

For me, I very rarely get the sense that “Thus says the Lord”. Rather, I have or eventually come to a sense that “Thus desires the Lord”. Even with that sense of God’s desire, I’ve never felt like God desires me to do something entirely wacky, like eat a scroll, or be tied down on one side while I sleep for a year. In my world, when I understand God’s desire is something wacky, it’s most frequently something I’d like to do, or have contemplated doing. I had a priest friend once who described these as my ‘enthusiasms’. I have wacky ideas, and throw them out to see if anyone else is interested. And when one of my enthusiasms is floated out into the world, those that fall flat with no support, I chalk up to an over-active mind on my part. But those enthusiasms that resonate with others and seem to take off, those I believe to be of God. Some of my enthusiasms include organizing a faith community to wash feet at homeless service event (of God), become a long term missionary (not of God), adopt a kid (of God), organize Lenten vegetarian cooking events for parishioners (of God), work on bishop’s staff until I retire (not of God), buy and operate a food truck as money-maker so proceeds can be used to feed the hungry (jury is out).

The Lord doesn’t say things to me, directly. But by paying attention to what resonates within me, and within the circles of people I know, I can understand what God’s desiring of me.

This morning, I’m thinking about what’s God desiring of me today, and how I might be sure I don’t miss it.

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