Thursday, December 9, 2021

Dec 9 2021 Day 248 Matthew 9:1–10:42

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

At this point, Jesus has disciples, or followers, but he has not called the big 12, or the apostles, who end up not only following Jesus, but going out in his name. This little sentence comes before that calling of the apostles.

This story about the harvest being plentiful is one of the common readings at the service for the ordination of a priest. The person has been called by God to be a particular kind of laborer, and in front of the gathered people, accepts that call and acknowledges their role. I really like this part of the service, as there’s something both daunting and empowering in it. There is a lot of work to do. But God will call laborers to do that work.

Oh, how I wish there was a similar rite for God’s calling of the rest of us, some big celebration that acknowledges how wonderful it is to be called by God to be a special kind of laborer. I genuinely believe that we are all called to do a particular kind of Holy Labor, and we know it when we finally find ourselves in that work.

Just like we each may have more than one trait or skill, God may have more than one calling for us; what I was called to do a decade ago has changed. And thinking about my paid work, there were times it felt like a perfect fit, and other times I was just getting a paycheck. But when I was in the zone, I knew it.

If I had my way, there’d be a big deal service for someone who lands in that job, the one that feels like they’re called to it. And by job, I don’t mean work in exchange for a paycheck. Some of the most important work we do is raise our children, care for our parents, or be caregiver. But it is Holy Labor to be sure. Taking some liberties with the ordination services in my tradition, here’s what we need. Imagine if your gathered community celebrated your Holy Labor like this. Your name goes here.

My brothers and sisters, every Christian is called to follow Jesus Christ, serving God the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit. God now calls you to a special ministry of __________. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are to _______________, _______________, and __________.

You are to make Christ and his redemptive love known, by your word and example, to those among whom you live, and work, and worship, caring alike for the young and old, strong and weak, rich and poor. At all times, your life and teaching are to show Christ's people that in serving the _______ you are serving Christ himself.

To the gathered people:

Q Is it your will that first name be sent to do the Holy Labor of __________?

A: It is.

Q Will you uphold first name in their ministry?

A: We will.

To the person

Q: My brother/sister, do you believe you are called by God to do this Holy work?

A: I believe I am so called

Q: Will you be faithful in prayer, and in the reading and studying of Holy Scriptures?

A: I will

Q: Will you do your best to pattern your life in accordance with the teachings of Christ, so that you will be a wholesome example to the people?

A: I will

O God, most merciful Father, we praise you for sending your Son Jesus Christ, to live and work among us and to serve as a model. We praise you for the many ministries in your Church, and for calling this your servant as a ____________. Therefore, send your Holy Spirit to _______, and make them a ____________ in the world.

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