Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Apr 17 2019 Philippians 4:1-13 Wednesday in Holy Week

Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

I like this. I like the repetition of the language. It hits home the point. It’s the right use of the word ‘whatever’ as opposed to the surly teenage girl usage. It is such an expansive list of goodness, and the use of whatever feels to me to make it even bigger. Not just what IS honorable, but what ever might conceivably possibly be considered honorable. This is a mighty list of goodness, and light. 

Paul is writing to the people of Philippi, and commending them to think of these good things. During this Holy Week, I’m in need of this list of goodness. In addition to the heaviness of Christ’s Passion looming again, I have some work commitments that are bigger than I’d imagined, and a family member whose sickness is waxing, and this week we’re moving into a different apartment in our current building, more of a grown-up space. There is difficulty and hardness in all of these things. But there are also aspects that are honorable, pure, pleasing, commendable, and worthy of praise. Those are the parts I need to think about, according to Paul. And if I can’t think about them all of the time, at least recognizing they’re there is hugely helpful.

After this list of goodness and reminding us to think about these things, Paul encourages the people to let their gentleness be known to everyone. Yes!  If he even needed to give them this list of traits, they must have had some heaviness too. In the midst of that, he’s encouraging them to be gentle. How easy it is to let hard things make us hardened.

And after this list of goodness, reminding us to think about these things, and encouraging gentleness, Paul reminds the people that the peace which surpasses all understanding will guard their hearts and minds. Yes! Yes!  I love that peace. Once in my life have I experienced that peace that defied all logic, that surpassed all understanding. It was a wonderful event, but I was incredibly nervous, my stomach in knots and nauseous, and me on the verge of joyful tears. After prayer, I really did get peaceful – a peace that surpassed all understanding. That was a dramatic peace-granting, but I’ve had other, less dramatic senses of peace. 

So this morning, I’m thinking about this expansive list of goodness and where I can see it, and then think about those things,  in the midst of this week. I’m praying to remain gentle, and above all, praying for that peace that surpasses all understanding. It seems like there might be some causality in these things. Thinking of what’s good and light and worthy of praise can help me remain gentle, which can grant me that peace. I'll start with thinking about seeking the goodness and light.

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