Monday, April 22, 2019

Apr 22 2019 John 14:1-14

The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these…

Easter Monday. After a week of intentional faith and church attendance and emotion, things begin to go back to ‘normal’. After the emotional output of lots of church, and highs and lows of Christ’s arrest, torture, execution, and rising, it’s Monday. It’s a day where many just go back to their ‘regular’ lives.

While it’s hard to hold that kind of week for too long, in my tradition, we celebrate Easter for another 50 days, all the way until May 30. So, Happy Easter everyone!

Sometimes those 50 days of Easter feel loooong. Like today, when it feels like we should be just getting back to ‘normal’. Or towards the end of the 50 days, when it’s tough to sustain that level of Easter. But it’s a shame, actually, to not celebrate for longer than one day. And so today I start in earnest celebrating 50 days of Easter.

This morning’s reading from the Gospel of John starts us off for those 50 days well. “Those who believe in me, will do the works I do.”  This I believe. There are times when my actions make no sense, measured against modern-day standards. But I strive to apply Jesus’ standards to my life and actions, because I believe it to be the true and right way to be. I’ve taken a series of lesser-paying jobs, to do work that’s more meaningful, in places more meaningful, with people more meaningful. I’ve been grateful for the good fortune of others I love when it didn’t seem fair, when I’ve been the laborer showing up first thing in the morning, and they show up at the end of the day. I’ve dined with sinners and modern day tax collectors. This is not to say I’ve saintly, but because I believe in Jesus Christ, these feel like the appropriate and normal things to do, in my culture of choice.

And the part of this morning’s reading that seems hard to fathom is the last bit, where Jesus says that if we believe in him, we’ll do greater deeds than his. I’m not sure what to make of that. Maybe I can do greater things with Christ because in my little corner of the world, I’m the one who’s here. With Christ not roaming the streets of downtown Portland, maybe I can do greater things, here with these people, because accompanied by the risen Christ, I am the proverbial hands and feet. With the historical Jesus not in my apartment, I’m the one who will tend and care and show God’s love.

I want to be an Easter person through the next 50 days. I want to remember and see Christ’s defeat over the tomb, this year more than any other in the past. He is risen indeed!

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