Monday, September 30, 2019

Sep 30 2019 Revelation 12: 7-12 Feast of St Michael the Archangel

The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

If you read scripture, never do you get the image of angels as the smiling, pudgy-cheeked children, frequently seen in Christmas cards or ornaments. An angel, translated from the Greek word angelos, is a messenger. And although both the new and old testament mention angels, there are only four mentioned by name. They’re mentioned as if they’re the leaders of other angels, so there aren’t only four, but they’re the leaders. These named four get the title archangel, and Michael is the most mentioned.

In the book of Revelation, that apocalyptical figurative vision, Michael leads an army of angels into battle. They battle the dragon, also known as Satan. But not only do they battle the Satan-dragon, they battle his angels too. The story goes that some good angels decided to follow the bad Satan-dragon, and in the world, there are both good angels and Satan-following angels. We don’t think about there ever being bad angels.

So Michael and his good angel army battle the dragon and his bad angel army. The dragon is defeated, and the dragon and his bad angel army are cast out of heaven. Where to? To here on earth.

This morning, I’m thinking about all the unhelpful misconceptions and liberties we’ve taken with Michael and angels. Michael and his good angel army are not cartoonish childlike beings. Angels are powerful, ready to battle evil again. Angels are not all good. The dragon’s bad-angel army alive and well. Angels are not in heaven. They’re here. Both Michael’s angels and the dragon’s. \

I’m not sure what to believe about angels on earth. But if I believe in a god who sent a human imprint of God’s whole being in Jesus, fully human and fully divine, if I believe that God-incarnate was killed and returned to God, then it’s not too far a stretch to believe that there are purely spiritual beings here on earth, both good and evil. But they don’t look like cartoons. They’re fierce, armed for this battle we’re in. When I read the scriptures about angels, I have a new appreciation for Michael the Archangel. That angel, -that powerful, dragon fighter - that angel I need.

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