Friday, June 4, 2021

Jun 4 2021 Day 113 Esther 1:1–4:17

Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this.

Ah, the Book of Esther. It’s a sweet story, surprisingly absent of any mention of God. Esther is a young Jewish girl who ends up the queen of Persia. Because the Jews followed the law of Moses and not the law of the King, they were deemed a threat to the King and a plot was made to kill them all. Esther’s uncle knew of the plot and told Esther, and he told her that she would not be spared, even as the queen. He suggests that perhaps she came to become queen for just a time as this. His sentiment indicates some greater power at work that resulted in her becoming queen. There’s the God connection.

One thing I like about Esther is precisely this absence of overt God language. God is present even when God isn’t explicitly named. The result of God’s providence is evident all around us, all the time. And I’d even suggest that of course Esther’s story made her for just that time. Not just that moment, but every moment.

So what does that say about our lives? Are we made for just this time? What about this time makes me especially well-suited? How could this be part of any master plan?

I don’t assume to know the master plan, but I absolutely believe I am right where I’m supposed to be, doing just what I’m supposed to be doing. I don’t always get it right, but I’m caregiving for a very sick person. Sometimes that care looks like loving attention, and other times it looks like tougher arguments, intended to further their sense of self-sufficiency. And in my poorer moments, it looks like frustration and unnecessary grousing. Every day is a combination of both.

Now, I have more free time to take care of things, including walks, naps and exercise, along with cooking, cleaning, and gardening. All of this is seemingly critical. I was made for such a time as this.

When I stay connected to God, my life is as it is supposed to be, even if the circumstances don’t seem like it. Like Esther’s story, my days aren’t all about worship, and all my language doesn’t reference God. But as long as I am connected, God’s fingerprints are all over my story. How are you made for just a moment as this?

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