Monday, March 14, 2022

Lent 2022 - The Woman and the Cave - Week 3

This week we have the opportunity to review both scripture related to Mary Magdalene and various prayers to Mary Magdalene. 

Here is a link to the Woman and the Cave, written by iconographer Kristen Wheeler

For the scripture review, we are asked to read through the scriptures and see what stands out. Then take some markers or something to draw with, and pray/doodle. If you need inspiration about that, I'd encourage you to look at Praying in Color. It's a technique where you think about something, draw it, doodle around it, all the while praying. When my son was jumping out of planes in Army Ranger School, I wrote the names of my son and his fellow soldiers, as I prayed for their safety. It was very very good for my soul, and I stayed focused on praying for a good 30 minutes every time.  The pens and color kept my 'need to be busy' Martha traits busy, while my Mary traits prayed. 

For the prayers, we are asked to consider writing our own prayer about Mary. It could also be a prayer for someone you know who may be in Mary's position, and could use the unconditional unreasonable love from Jesus, just like Mary did. I am not normally that kind of creative person, but I will endeavor to write a prayer, and share it on Friday. Whether you share it or not, I would encourage you to give it a try.  Here's one of the listed prayers that spoke to me.

Mary Magdalene was the first to greet your risen Son and carried the news of his triumph over death to the disciples. Strengthen us to be faithful witnesses to the gospel in the world and grant your grace to all who preach and teach the faith.

Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.

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