Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Week 1 - Lent 2022 - Introduction


Created by Kristen Wheeler
   And so Lent begins.   

As I mentioned yesterday, I will be praying my way through this resource, The Woman and the Cave, created by Kristen Wheeler, and I invite you to join me.  Starting next week, on Monday, I'll outline what I'm focusing on for the week, and on Friday, I'll post something inviting us to share online.  

To start this journey, I plan to read the introduction of the journey, and seek out more information about Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Although it's a short week, I will share my thoughts about this and kick off our journey this Friday, March 4. During that first online sharing opportunity, I'd welcome your comments and thoughts not only about the Cave, but also about a few logistical thoughts I've had.  

  • While I'm clearly willing to share my innermost blatherings, maybe not everyone is. If folks are really going to participate, and want it more private, like just the group participating, I can create a group so it's just us. Let me know. 
  • If it would be more useful to gather virtually online, like a Zoom meeting or something, please let me know and I can set something up. Given work schedules, I'm thinking Saturday late morning, but whatever works for most.
  • I have some friends who are not on Facebook but would be interested. I would be willing to migrate this to something more universally acceptable if that would be useful for anyone else. I'm thinking a Google Group, although they can be clunky.

I welcome your comments and thoughts.  Thank you for joining me on this journey. 


  1. Thanks Carter. I’m interested in joining you on this journey.

  2. I would love being a part of this, I am assuming the group will be limited to women?

    1. Sandi, if we keep this in facebook and on this blog, it would be open to anyone who was interested, as would our comments.
