Monday, July 19, 2021

Jul 19 2021 Day 147 Psalms 108:1–112:10

My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast

While this sounds like a resounding truth on first blush, this morning I’m hearing it as an affirmation – a statement made out of hope that it will be true. There are definitely times when I don’t feel like my heart is steadfast. It’s not doubt in God’s goodness and the ultimate rightness of all things. Rather, it’s a lack of certitude, which seems like a big difference.

Most times, I absolutely know all will be well, that I am loved and so is everyone around me. I don’t ever really doubt this. But sometimes, I just think it’s true, rather than knowing. It’s from that lack of certitude that doubt creeps in. One moment I know, the next I think, and if I’m not careful, the next moment I wish. That’s also when despair creeps in. It also takes a lot more energy to have anything other than a steadfast heart; when I’m wondering or hoping or thinking, there’s more brain power thrown at whatever it is. When I’m steadfast, it’s an easy yes/no. End of discussion. No more wasted energy wondering.

To have a steadfast heart means I cannot be dissuaded. I have a confidence that is unshakeable. So that’s when the affirmations come in. My heart is steadfast. My heart is steadfast. My heart is steadfast. It’s sort of the verbal version of “build it, and they will come”.

This morning, I’m thinking about how to strengthen my steadfast heart, beyond repeating that affirmation as the psalmist did. Perhaps part of the strengthening is like exercise; practice recognizing the truths of God’s all-present love, mercy and goodness, and it bolsters my certitude. I need to recognize when God’s love has been steadfast, which in turn makes it easier for my heart to follow suit.

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