Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Jan 2 2019 Heb 11:1

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

So what is the difference between faith and hope? I hadn't thought about it until posed the question at a gathering. It's funny that we take these words for granted, until pressed. 'm glad I was pressed.

Hope has to do with an outcome. It's sort of an optimism that things will be ok. I hope I don't run out of gas. I hope the test results are negative. Hope is what we hold on to in the midst or at the beginning of a journey - an optomistic expectation of the destination.

Faith, on the other hand, has less to do with the destination, and more to do with the journey. With faith, we don't worry so much about the outcome or destination. Faith is a deep and abiding sense that the jounrey will turn out ok, even if I run otu of gas. Regardless of the hoped-for outcome, things will be as they should be.

Don't get me wrong. I am a hopeful person. I think we more hope in our hearts and in our collecitve communities. But faith offers a kind of certitude that transcends hope. Hope feels fleeting, less grounded. Faith feels deeply rooted. Faith should give us the assurance that the journey is what matters, we are not alone, and all shall be well, regardless of the destination.

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