Saturday, January 26, 2019

Jan 26 2019 Ephesians 6:10-24

And having done all, just stand.

Since I’ve been my daily writing practice, this is the first passage that has come up twice. It’s bound to happen, but I’m exceedingly glad this was it.

I’ve had a tumultuous couple of years. I had a stalker for a while. Technically, I still do, but she’s in prison now. Very long story, but suffice it to say, I had my ups and downs in my capacity to respond from a place of calm. A dear friend offered this passage, when I was at my wit’s end.

It comes in the midst of a passage of scripture many know; take up the whole armor of God. The belt of Truth, breastplate of righteousness, and whatever shoes that will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace.

As an aside, if anyone’s interested in a fun song and reflection on this passage, that focuses on the shoes, please take a listen to the podcast (Lectio Musica) of a friend Matthew David Morris, and his original song, called Shoes This also came out a much-needed time for me.

So after you’ve done all of that, after you’ve put on whatever shoes you want, your breastplate, belt – the whole armor of God.. after having done all, just stand. This was the scriptural passage that was offered at one hard time. And it endures – and keeps popping up, right when I need it.

When I started my spiritual journey, I’d described that I felt like a leaf travelling down a river, carried by whatever currants were pulling or pushing me. To try to stop in the midst of a river is sometimes more dangerous than just going with the flow. To try to stop takes more energy. So sometimes you do need to just be carried along.

But sometimes, you need to put your feet down – to just stand. As the water rushes past, you stand firm. It may be harder, but it sometimes it’s safer than heading towards the rocky rapids, or the water fall up ahead.

For me, now, I need to just stand.

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