Saturday, May 29, 2021

May 29 2021 Day 108 Ezra 7:1–10:44

[Y]et our God has not forsaken us in our slavery, but has extended to us his steadfast love

Ezra, a scribe living amongst the exiled people of Israel is offering a prayer, and encouraging his people about God, and the return to their land. He is explaining that despite the fact they are slaves, God has not forsaken them, but has extended God’s love to them, while in slavery.

Hmm. Another way God could show God’s love would be to not have them in slavery to begin with. I’m imagining there were some who would readily concur. But that’s not how the story goes. The people are enslaved, which I’d argue is a crappy thing. And God extends God’s love, which is a good thing. Here is another example of one of the hardest lessons I’m learning.

God doesn’t prevent crappy things from happening. God doesn’t always resolve crappy things in my desired timing. But God is always extending God’s love in the midst of those crappy things and crappy times. And that is a really good thing.

Ezra knew this. He didn’t rail at God for the bad situation. He didn’t blame God, or turn away from God. He acknowledged the crappy situation, and acknowledged God’s steadfast love. This is a perfect example of realizing that God is not an either/or. Either crappy things or love. Either bad or good. It’s a both/and. Crappy things and love. Bad and good.

We have an unlimited capacity to forget this, to expect God to right by us all of the time, or if God doesn’t resolve my crappy situation, God’s not paying attention or intentionally slighting me. Again and again we do this. Perhaps it’s our deep desire to always be comfortable, pain free, in control, knowledgeable. We cannot stand when things aren’t ‘right’, and by right I mean our definition and construct. If God is loving and paying attention to ME, God would fix this as I deem appropriate.

Get my people out of slavery. Return us right away to our home land.. Or else….

Ezra knew better. We are stuck in slavery, and God’s love is steadfast. It feels like I’m finding a lot of insights in this non-dualistic God, with readings that all point to that lesson. I’m guessing that’s because this is precisely what I need to hear. Thank God.

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